Authentic Leadership Program
for More Human Impact
“The Authentic Leadership Program is a 2-month experiential learning with a focus on finding out more about yourself as a leader of your life. No theory and a lot of space for interaction and growth. Participants describe it as a great, practical course about leading and communicating while being true to yourself. It helps you look at yourself and what is important to you in different, sometimes unexpected situations and also offers feedback and views on how others perceive you. It is in no way a program for people managers only. It is based on a broader definition of leadership as taking responsibility in our world and every area of life. It can be challenging with the intention to grow whilst being light and fun.”
At a Glance
Learning through experiences with people committed to their growth and leadership.

Focus on You
100% focus on you and your strengths to improve your awareness.

Attention to you and what you deliver with opportunities to get input and feedback.

Experiential Learning
Learning through experiences and assignments for lasting impact in your life.

Connect with other leaders interested in growth and stepping up.
​Leadership as we understand it is about taking responsibility in your world. Leadership exists both within and outside of organizations and in all aspects of our lives. It’s a posture, attitude, a way of living and contributing to what matters to you. It’s also about showing up and growing while staying true to your values. It’s beyond the position or role you hold, it’s about you as a human being and your impact in the world. We believe everyone is a leader.
Is this program right for you?
​The program is not exclusive to People managers, more to any individual who is driven and committed to their growth and development as a leader.
What’s in it for you?
​This program will offer you the space and tools to get to know yourself and your impact better. It will help you see more of yourself and others and find more in-depth answers to questions such as…
When am I at my best?
Who am I when I am most compelling?
What takes me away from it and how do I recover?
What’s my impact?
How can I better co-create and co-lead with others?
How do I lead with intention?
What will be different after the program?
​You will complete the program with better awareness and a set of tools that will help you
know your strengths and be able to focus on them better.
be more intentional and impactful.
build better relationships with all types of people in different contexts.
be able to further step into your leadership with more courage and authenticity.
Read what people are saying
I have a better understanding of what leadership is specifically in the area of speaking-up, being yourself and giving space to others.
More awareness, more strength, more will to stand, less fear
I will take more time to talk a little less, actively listen and ask for help if needed.
Having far more understanding of how to demonstrate authentic leadership in practice - and having seen it in action from other participants.
I will try to focus more on being my true self
The program reminded me of all the key factors needed for good leadership, so I might try to listen more to my inner voice. Anyway, I realized that regardless of the company we as managers face with the same challenges, problems.
From all the things I learned during this program, I would like to highlight the importance of being authentic and how powerful feedback can be. One other aspect is that I think I will be co-creating with my peers after I learned how successful it can be.
I will be more conscious of my strengths. I will be more focused on taking more responsibility and have more confidence in the decisions I make. I also need to avoid any unconscious bias whenever they arise.
being more clear about my authentic self
If you had to describe the program to someone, what would you say?
You will be able to talk to people from other companies about your leadership challenges. You will get feedback on your storytelling.
Coaching programs for leaders to become more authentic
I would probably say what it gave to me: deep and solid awareness, a clear vision of what my inner strengths are and what they provoke on others, a better understanding of my internal barriers, the ability to overcome these. And lots of fun!
Great program and worth attending to find out more about yourself, how to interact with other people and how to develop your leadership skills. At times you're put on the spot and you feel out of your comfort zone, but this is how you learn and grow.
It is a great and practical course about leading and communicating by being yourself.
A training where is almost no theory but is full of experiencing sessions. It makes you think about how you normally behave.
The program that helps you to find out something about yourself and your reactions to unexpected situations, and how others perceive you.
It is not a classic leadership program. It's a journey that will help you discover the authenticity in you and reflect on different aspects that help you grow as a leader, such the importance of listening and feedback, to rely on others to achieve goals, safe environment to foster growth and innovation and how to deal with situations that seat outside of our comfort zone.
I can describe the program as a very effective learning process which makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses. It also helps you uncover a side of you which you always had but thought you don't have it.
Good experience to come closer to yourself and connect with self minded individuals on their journey
All managers (beginners) in our organization should attend some program such as this one.
Format of the program ​
5 weeks
Weekly virtual sessions/calls (120 minutes)
Ongoing exchange on an online platform
Weekly assignments
Exchange and working in different settings (individually, in pairs, in groups, with all participants)
(Self-)reflection and time for completing the assignments and exchange online are a key part of the program
We recommend that you plan a minimum of 5 hours per week for all activities related to the program
Fun from start to finish!